What are Family Constellations?
Family Constellations is a therapeutic method that brings out hidden dynamics in a family or group so that they can be healed. These hidden dynamics are often following patterns of our ancestors, unconsciously. Once the root causes of present-day difficulties are brought out in the open, they can be put back in order. This method can help people "unblock" unseen reasons that have been keeping them from finding a partner, starting a family, getting or keeping a good job, illness, addictions and more. It can also help break personal or family patterns have restricted people from having the kind of life they want. Family Constellations can also be used to help people make a difficult decision or understand a situation. In these cases they are often called Systemic Constellations. The Family Constellations method was created by Bert Hellinger, a German psychotherapist and former priest, in the mid 1990’s while working as a family therapist. Introduction to
Family Constellations (The first one is in English, the second one in Spanish) If you are new to Family Constellations, a great way to familiarize yourself with this modality is to watch the Netflix series Another Self. |
When should I do a Family Constellation?
* When there is a situation in your life that you haven't been able to heal or change. * To solve issues in professional life and have success, money, and abundance. * For physical and mental health. This is an excellent method that helps heal physical and mental illnesses. * To find Love or improve your relationships. * When you want to make an important decision. * If you want to have a clearer view of a situation. * When you have identified a pattern in yourself or your family that prevents you from having the life you want. How many Constellations will I need? Most people need just one Constellation to address a specific issue, though some concerns may require more than one session. If the Constellation is complete, we would wait several months before deciding whether to follow up on the same topic. I suggest waiting at least one month between sessions for a different topic. In what language can I do the Constellation? You can do the Constellation in English or Spanish, either in private or group sessions. Where do the Family Constellations take place? The group Family Constellations sessions and events take place in San Francisco Bay Area, California. Click here to see the upcoming events. There is also the possibility to do private online sessions.
Click here if you want more information on prices. To be informed of the events, you can join the Meetup (Meetup in Spanish) or my newsletter (newsletter in Spanish). |